Prithvi is at the palace training, Sanyo is watching him. He misses with his lance and trips down onto the sand. Sanyo gives a haughty laugh and makes fun of him. Looks like Kannaujwale will have to teach some tricks of the sword Sanyo informs to Prithvi.
Both of them take swords and engage into a duel. No sooner Sanyo drops her sword as Prithvi strikes her with his sword.
She is irritated why did you hit so hard, that hurt my hand!
Prithvi tells her there is no comparison to Kannauj and Dilli swordsmanship. Sanyo agrees and willingly wants to become Prithvi’s student to learn more of sword fighting. Prithvi starts the training process, but all they do is look at each other with their swords in their hands.
Meantime Prithvi's mother comes into the picture. She asks Prithvi why has Sanyo come here in the first place. Because I said so, that’s why, Prithvi replies to her.
With all these conspiracies and enmity between both families she still came and tricked her father Jaichand like this.
It really doesn't matter says Prithvi. I love her anyways.
With all the politics going on between us and Jaichand, love is not taken into consideration here. Utter nonsense.
I will sort it out later. Doesn't really matter under any conditions I will be marrying her.
Mother replies back to her son, Then there will be a fatal feud between us and the Jaichand's family. Not even God will be able to sort it out.
I’ll be marrying her.
Maharaj Jaichand will never agree with this alliance, ever.
The marriage will take place anyhow, replies Prithvi back to his mother.
This will make a big divide.
This is a relation that can never be divided nor stopped. I will take her under any condition no matter the situation.
Sanyogita is listening to the whole conversation, she is very saddened and tries to make an exit from the palace. She is in a dilemma to what decision she should make. Torn between the kingdoms of Ajmer and Kannauj.
She takes the conversation very personally and decides never to return to Dilli again.
She remembers her father’s old words about the end of relations with Ajmer.
Prithvi catches the fleeing Sanyo in the corridor of the palace. She looks at him.
Where are you going now? He asks her, you must have heard all what we were talking about. Looks like you heard only half of it and missed my words? Prithvi tells her.
Yes I heard all of it. But I am not selfish and greedy. I must return back.
Okay then go, who am I to stop you? I will drop you outside for you to leave. Prithvi tells her to forget him.
That’s impossible I will never manage that! Sanyo answers back.
Then you don't have to go anywhere, nobody can separate us no matter what. Not even hatred or the kings’ court can make a divide between us. You have come for Pratha's marriage take advantage of the festivities and enjoy while you are here, rest I will take care of, Prithvi assures her.
In Kannauj, Chachaji greets the Maharani, she is anxious to see Sanyo, where is she?
Chachaji tells her she has gone to Maya Ma Ashram.
Why? She didn't go to attend Pratha's wedding?
Jaichand comes at that moment, Nobody will be attending their wedding! I warn you!
Why? Sanyo's mother asks him.
You are asking why, after all what has happened don't you know! Jaichand warns her, all the treachery!
But we must stop the bitterness and the negative influences among us, forget it Maharaj! Maharani tries to change his attitude but her efforts go avail.
No! I mean NO! Nobody from the family will be attending Pratha's marriage under any circumstances!
And if you want to go there, then you will have to break all the relations with me! Jaichand warns Maharani.
Prithvi looks at Nanaji, he has arrived to attend the ceremony. Prithvi falls on his legs for ashirwad. Kush raho, he blesses Prithvi.
Nanaji is concerned and asks Prithvi if Jaichand has come. Don't know when the wall will fall!
Soon it will fall, Prithvi tells him.
Sanyo is dressed up and enjoying the festivities. Nanaji sees her and is surprised to see her present for the wedding. Prithvi introduces her to Nanaji.
After she goes to dance, Nanaji again asks Prithvi, does Jaichand know she's here?
Not yet, But he will come to know! Prithvi replies to his grandfather.
Prithvi tells Sanyo to go to Pratha and apply the henna.
Nanaji starts a conversation with Prithvi about Sanyo and Jaichand as he is concerned of the eventualities.......
We will talk later, Prithvi tells his grandfather again, lets celebrate first.
Anyhow Nanaji brings up the topic, if Jaichand finds out she is here then you know what is the consequences.
We will handle that later. Let’s enjoy the occasion first, Prithvi again tells him.
They all watch the dance and the henna rituals.
All the ladies in the court apply henna on Pratha.
Arjun joins the dance and song, he flings the sword and acts out the lyrics of the song. Arjun mock fights the dancing warriors. Pundir joins the dance also. Chander dresses as a lady wearing a sari and long a braid and becomes Pundir's partner.
Sanyogita forgets her worries and enjoys the dance too.
Everybody is having fun at Pratha's henna ceremony.