Hide me first, I’ll tell you this was not Prithvi's idea it’s somebody else’s I’ll give you as much gold/silver you have never ever seen.
(Prithvi thinks in his mind he doesn't want to tell the truth) I wont' let him get you I’ll take you to a safe place come, come run fast King. They both run into the forest. I’ll take you safely to a safe place far away trust me. I cannot run further as my heart is weak.
Okay see here hide in this cave, nobody can see you here, I’ll check out side.
No! Stay with me or he will kill me!
Don’t worry, I’ll just see outside where he has reached so far. The King remains inside the cave.
Prithvi (Suraj) goes out of the cave. He plays a game and pretends he has confronted Prithvi.
Where is the King? Prithvi asks.
Suraj tells, fight me first.
Where is that fraud? Who dare makes me “badnam”? Clash of two swords (Prithvi only hits his own sword to make sounds)
Maharaj! Maharaj! Sword clash AHAWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! Suraj pretends he has been killed Prithviraj puts his own disguise and comes back into the cave to face the King of Swastikgad. You are here hiding? Suraj is dead now, your turn!
No! Don’t kill me the King pleads like a coward, No! I'll do anything.
Ok, then tell me, why you use my name and defame me. You tell the villagers false, took all their land and possessions, made them starve? You tell I ordered it?
I'll tell you all about it to you, suddenly he clenches his chest as if he was getting a heart attack.
King tell me, who is he!
I have done it due to M. Ghori!
What M Ghori?
Yes! He told me to make sure that Prithviraj is "miti me milgaye".
Why did you listen to him?
Because he has given me so much land and gold.
If that was all you wanted, then I would have given you so much gold that you don’t have to sell Hindustan off for it. You plan to cut pieces of our land and hand it over to invaders and give it away just like that!
Sorry Maharaj!
Okay it’s human to err. Then tell me where I can get him!
I don’t really know, I got information from Dharwari the messenger.
All four rush to the palace with their swords. Prithvi asks in the main court where is the messenger Dharwari? Where is he what does he want, he is making me badnam.
I don't know, the group denies knowing anything about such messenger. We don’t know we just obey the King that’s all. (The messenger is hiding there only and spying on them and will give the information to Ghori.)
Who is the messenger of Ghori? Asks Prithvi again.
I don’t know you can kill us if you don’t believe us, says one minister.
I will let you go this time but next time.....
Ghori is getting up and is dressing, the messenger has already come to give the news.
Its very bad news, he should have not learned our secret. We cannot hide ourselves forever, but we are in need of 3-4 days for preparartion. He has to be stopped before he reaches this area, how shall we do it? Send Prithvi somewhere else direct his attention elsewhere.
Ghori orders a message be sent to Swastigad. Prithvi must get this scroll go! Yes, Sultan let us see how Prithvi can save himself from this trap !
Sanyo is praying in front of the idol. She prays that all her future calamities are nullified. I want Prithviraj in my destiny no body can separate us. Sanyo and Vaishalli go to Jaichand. Jaichand bids them farewell to Bharatpur, he tells his daughter that the King of Bharatpur has made full arrangements for you there and will look after you there properly.
Maya Ma discusses secretly how Kadambari will change her words of Prithvi to another princes name.
Prithvi and gang are getting ready to get on their horses in Swastikgad. All of a sudden Ghori's man Afzal Khan comes to greet Prithvi. He says he has a "sandesh" from Ghori.
Salam Kubul from Ghori,
We are tired of fighting. If you win this time we will return back and never come again. But if you lose you cannot stop us. We want you to meet us at Lohargad.
Prithvi interrupts what if this is all a trick as usual?
It depends on you, if you want to believe or not, tells Kahn.
If you don’t come then we will declare you as cowards and are afraid of us.
With those words Prithvi tells Kahn that, I am Kabul, go!
At Ghori's camp. Ghori knew that Prithvi would agree to come. It is just not possible that he will not come. Prithvi you are being tricked in my trap/cage. Till now you must have almost reached Lohargad, but sad to say that before your journey is complete you will face death instead. Ghori reminds his troops that he wants Prithvi to embraces death. They reply your wish is our wish!
"Bahut Kub" go and make sure that he doesn’t reach Lohargad!
One villager is listening to the whole discussion secretly, we must tell Prithvi, we must be successful in sending him the message he whispers to another villager. They will kill you, if they catch you. I must get out of here some how. I prefer to be "shaheed". The villager runs away as fast as he can to Lohargad.
The troops notice it and try to get him, catch him so he doesn’t get away! Someone orders.
This is Ghori's trick and you believe the words, mocks Chand. You are falling in his trap.
I know this is a trick so I need Samar Singh's help too. Send the message to him to meet us at Lohargad Prithvi tells Arjun. Tell him to reach there, we will not let Ghori trick us nor over power us.
Ghori’s troops pursue the runaway labor villager. Search for him don’t let him getaway!
Prithvi, Chand and Pundir come to a nearby village. Prithvi asks for transportation to go to Lohargad to a passerby. Ask anybody over there near the temple.
The runaway labor runs away till he finally reaches the area where Prithvi is, he thinks in his mind Prithvi must be here somewhere. Ghori's troops are behind him steadyly, they catch him and kill him on the spot. They also hide the body so the 3 don’t suspect anything.The villager could not accomplish his mission.
Prithvi, Chand and Pundir reach the said place to get the bullock ride. See here this is the place, but where is the person? Over there it must be him. Prithvi asks the man, will you go to Lohargad?
Yes malik, why not lets go. We must reach there before night fall.
They sit in the bullock and set for their journey not knowing what to expect!