Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Episode on Saturday, April 12, 2008

All the troops have entered the hut. Prithvi kills the first who enter. More of them come. Prithvi, Chand and Pundir retaliate on incoming traitors. Each display their ability and skill to fight. Prithvi is able to get hold of one of them, he demands an answer, who sent you? On whose command you work for?
Acchha? Tell who sent you!
Arjun comes back to his senses, the drugs have drained from his system. Prithvi! He shouts!
Prithvi goes to Arjun's side. While more attackers confront him, he eliminates all. Prithvi's attension is on Arjun again he is confused. Prithvi looks into his eyes, Arjun takes the next attacker. Prithvi finally lends his hand to Arjun. Arjun takes his hand in his, the union. They both finish off the rest of the attackers.
After the work is done Arjun goes to explain all the incidents that took place.
After the argument with Prithvi I went alone in the forest at night. I was angry and didn't realize my attackers. The attackers took me and intoxicated me with herbs.
I was used as a pawn to loot temples and kill innocent people, Arjun cries. I just watched them abuse. I was helpless and couldn't do anything, forgive me Prithviraj!
Arjun cries some more, I couldn't do anything at all.
No Arjun, not your fault. It’s all my fault only. I was angry on my lost treasure. I couldn't distinguish between my real treasure.
I am angry and hate myself for it!
Pundir what did you say?
I had suspicion on you. I hate myself confesses Pundir. What kind of friendship with suspicion. All four are united as one again.

At the ashram, Maya Ma studies the kundli of Sanyo and Prithvi. Sanyo sees her sitting outside and asks what are you doing here?
Maya Ma responds like this, look don't think I am against you, but its better you forgot about Prithviraj. I am going through both of your kundli's and they don't match at all. The alliance has too many complications that are bothersome.
Sanyo is adamant, we will survive the complications!
Maya ma tries to make it clear to her, this relationship carries no success and happiness, it’s full of chaos and is void.
I don't believe this at all, Sanyo replies back. Then why did God make us meet, there must be something to it. And moreover I cannot ever forget Prithviraj. No matter what you people do or say I cannot change my ideals.
Jaichand walks into the ashram and comes to both of them, he looks at her daughter. The conversation stops and Sanyo leaves, they both pass each other with out saying anything.
Does she understand the reasons now? Asks Jaichand to Maya Ma.
She does not, yet.
Enough then we have to use another remedy, when it doesn't work directly we must do it indirectly.
I have this trade, I will use it tells Maya Ma, with your permission.
Hurry then use it, what are you waiting for. I will never have tranquility till the name Prithviraj is gone from my daughter's mouth.
It will happen, it will happen she assures him.

Ghori is given the news of Arjun's freedom. Ghori is annoyed about Vikranth, he should do his job properly.

Prithvi wants to give explanation to the people of Mundwagaon. But who will believe him, they need proof for it. From where can we get it? Only way is to join the forces, find it all out. But even if we find the person who's doing it will he talk?
Arjun thinks of an idea, to use him self as a decoy. Those traitors need me, they will do anything to get me back. So use me, make it look that I am captured and use me to trap them.
Chand thinks the idea is a good one.
But Prithvi is negative, he says no I cannot do this the villagers know you. No I have thought this over not possible, I cannot lose you, I almost did.
Arjun insists that Prithvi listen to him, he wants to come to assistance and make up for the loss. Please Prithvi, please he begs.
Prithvi is hesitant but finally agrees to his friend as there is no other way to do it. He has a condition that since we are putting Arjun online we have to protect him also.
Vikranth meets Ghori. Ghori asks if the work is going as planned and if the villagers are suspicious of him?
No. Only that Arjun has been set free.
Don't be scared of that, Ghori tells him, you should be happy! How you used him in Mundwagaon. He doesn't even know who is responsible for it all! Go and continue the looting, claim it on Prithvi's name.
Vikranth takes the orders and leaves.
Ghori orders a man to supervise Vikranth and make sure he doesn't get caught. If he gets caught kill him on the spot!

The four enter Mundwagaon, the onlookers watch them. Somebody recognizes Arjun and shouts look they have captured Prithvi's main man!
Many try to attack Arjun. Pundir, Chand and Prithvi protect their dear friend. Prithvi shouts out loud, nobody will get him! Prithvi is worried about his friend Arjun's safety.

Episode on Friday, April 11, 2008

Chand and everybody are hiding on top of trees. Many traps have been arranged by Prithvi, He tells Vikranth we will see how they escape.
Vikranth asks Prithvi in admiration where did you learn all these techniques of weaponry for catching the opponent?
'Well I was in the Dhilli sena or army and learned all the tricks and tactics.'
Vikranth tells Prithvi you are great and has made his work force even more stronger.
Chand sees the phony sena coming in the distance. Prithvi is anxious to know who the one coming on my name is.
They all jump off the tree and attack with sword, the imposter Dhillka sena. The combined group say they cannot see where Prithvi is or is he present at all? But instead they all recognize Prithvi's special friend who is in charge of the looting/killing, none other than Arjun.
Stand here and watch tells the troop to Arjun, he is balanced on a support of a wall of a hut. Prithvi swings his lance and comes to Arjun's rescue.
Prithvi is shocked and takes his sword to his poor friend's neck reluctantly but carefully. Arjun?
Chand and Pundir follow suit, they also call, Arjun? I was commenting on him all the time, but didn't really believe it till now, Pundir explains.
The traitor army is still at full swing the 3 rejoin the fight. Again Arjun stands motionless on support. Someone orders kill Prithvi's friend, kill Arjun! some troop says again. Prithvi hears this and intervenes, spears the killer to save Arjun's life.
Again Arjun is wisked away put on a horse and all the traitors retreat and make an exit.
Prithvi is puzzled, he remembers how Arjun had taken oath and his loyalty.

Ghori and troops are still present at the village. Nobody is allowed to go out of the village nor enter. A poor man comes to Ghori and requests to go to another village and call the vaid there. He doesn't allow this because this would ruin his plan to take over Hindustan.
The man pleads to Ghori that his father will die soon if he doesn't get assistance. Instead of helping him, Ghori goes to slaughter his father. Bapu! The son shrieks out loud. Ghori again warns everyone not to leave otherwise suffer the consequences.
Guards are stationed everywhere on every home. The orders are to stay as you are, as if nothing has happened here. Ghori even commands the poor boy who just lost his father to laugh not whimper otherwise your mother will be gone too. Ghori further gives direction for everybody to laugh. Ha! Ha! Ha! Everybody laughs to protect their own lives.

In Mundwagaon, the wounded are taken away for treatment. Pundir and Chand are concerned,they ask Prithvi why he had saved Arjun's life, when he is the traitor of them all. We saw it all with our own eyes, he is in control of it all. He authorizes the children, adults be killed, all the wealth in temples be looted. All have witnessed, in spite of that you let him go so easily?
Sometimes what you see is not exactly what you have to perceive, Prithvi defends.
What are you saying! Both are annoyed with such a remark.
Anyways, I cannot have suspicion on my friend under any circumstances. I rather meet him and ask him why he did this against us first, then to jump to conclusions without any facts.
Maybe Vikrant can tell us something, he may know the hideout of the looteras.

Ghori is making arrangements for his next blow on Prithvi. He gets the details of the situation at Mundwagaon.Ghori knows that the main thing is that Prithvi will never give up, no matter what, he will try to decipher the facts, who is doing this to him. He will search from earth to sky to get his answer. In this time we will attack Hindustan. After we attack 3 villages it will further aggravate the situation, in favour of us.
Leading to the chest of Hindustan, our flag. Slowly, slowly Hindustan will be mine.
M Ghori's, Ha! Ha! Ha!

Prithvi politely asks, Vikranth about the looteras hideouts.
Very difficult to find, they change their hiding places all the time. No, they are always on the move, in the morning we will kill Prithviraj!

Prithvi wasn't able to extract any information from Vikranth. Let’s go he says.
Now where can we start, ask both, how will we find Arjun?
In desperation Prithvi looks for some clues, his eyes focus on the ground, he sees horse prints, this will lead us to Arjun definitely. These horse prints are the same as the looteras horses. All 3 of them follow the prints carefully.
Finally they reach some kind of area like a hideout. They come behind a hut and see through its window, people are inside. They are convinced that these people are the same and Arjun must be here too.
Let’s go! First change our disguises or we will get caught. I will go as myself Prithvi, he removes the fake cloak. They move in slowly but carefully eliminating the guards there one by one, till they get to a bigger shed.
Arjun is inside standing motionless as usual. Prithvi calls him. Prithvi breaks the bars of the window, and they all enter the shed quietly. Arjun! Arjun! Why did you do this all? Arjun are you listening? Prithvi shakes his shoulders, Arjun I am asking you, tell me. Why did you do this? Arjun? Why do you not speak? What happened?
Another guard outside realizes that somebody has attacked their hideout.
Still Prithvi and gang cannot figure out what has happened, why Arjun behaves like this. Prithvi asks Arjun again, tell me why you use this methodology? Why do you see in this fashion, looking constantly in one direction? Arjun is still motionless balanced on the wall as the 3 are totally confused about Arjun's conduct.
Looteras enter the hut.