Sunday, January 6, 2008

Episode on Friday, January 4, 2008

You have won pain go Prithvi go and embrace victory!

The pilgrims stop at a camp, the head person says you can purchase whatever you want here. Sanyo goes to buy something at the vendor, meantime the chorni lady discusses with Chachaji about eliminating Chamki. He also thinks in his mind that he won't give her even one share of Kannauj after the job is done. She is making a strategy to get rid of her, Chachaji asks what? "samjo tho achaa, nahi samjo tho?"
Sanyo remembers the flashback with Prithvi and the old fruit seller, back in those days she couldn't even bargain for the price. Sanyo also remembers how she put extra salt in the food.

Prithvi returns to the vaid's house to see Pundir, vaid says Pundir has come out of danger. Prithvi is going to eliminate this game of death once and for all.
Pundir hesitates and requests Prithvi not to go for the fight.
Don't you trust me my friend?
Okay then finish them off!

Prithvi enters the arena, the master welcomes him there,
all by yourself you walk to your deathtrap! he exclaims.
Prithvi replies confidently, that decision will come only when the game is over, not now.
The master secretly ushers his guards to find out who Prithvi is,
where he came from, and find out what he wants to do here and its purpose.

Prithvi and Kalia confront each other at the arena. They assemble the protection gear and glue glass pieces on their fists the same routine. The fight is announced between the two and then the fight is on.
Guruji Karnik is also present, he is confident Prithvi will win this fight.
The master's guards have already returned with the information to verify who Prithvi is.
He tells, he is none other than Mhrj. Prithviraj Chauhan form Delhi, and the previous contender who Kalia had bashed was Pundir, one of his best friends, but has survived and is recovering from his wounds with the help of the village vaid.
The master says, good news the Sultan will be happy that Prithviraj Chauhan has come walking himself without our efforts to die in this arena himself.

Onlookers watch the fight, on one person says i don't think Kalia is going to win this fight this time. Prithviraj gives his hard blows to Kalia one after the other and he gets knocked down to the ground, one shot, next shot, the next punch Kalia falls again.
Suddenly the time-out bell rings in favour of Kalia.
Prithvi goes to the corner and confronts Kalia don't you dare touch me or I will slaughter you right here right now Kalia glares.

At Ghori's tent Tara enters, he asks is there any news about Prithvi failures and losses.
Ghori is playing the mandolin his fingers start to bleed. If Prithvi wins again this time I will have to finish the work myself.

At the arena the fight continues, Prithvi remembers Guru Karnik's words, don't ever lose your concentration not even one second, otherwise even that second could impair your win.
Prithvi sees Arjun and Pundir taken hostage, Kaliya taunts,
Mhrj. Prithviraj you better sacrifice yourself other wise you will end up losing your best friends understand what you have to do Maharaj!

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